Sondra Williams, the wife of San Francisco 49ers star Trent Williams, went to Instagram on Sunday to share a devastating update about her family. In a lengthy caption on Instagram, Sondra announced she and her husband’s son was stillborn on Nov. 24. She shared a Reel of her baby’s heartbeat and sonogram images, as well as clips and photos from her pregnancy.
“💔It’s been extremely hard trying to process the saddest Hello and Goodbye that I’ve ever had to endure,” Sondra wrote. “Last Sunday night on 11/24/24; I welcomed your lifeless 4lb 8oz 18.5 in long little body at 11:38pm. At only 35 weeks, your impactful and quick arrival didn’t even give mommy time to get an epidural. I’m so grateful to have had your Aunt Katina(who also cut your cord) and nurse Hannah by my side.”
Sondra also revealed that she lost Trenton’s twin earlier during her pregnancy. Trenton had a rare genetic condition known as trisomy 13. According to The Cleveland Clinic, trisomy 13 happens after an extra copy of chromosome 13 attaches to a pair of chromosomes.
“🙏🏾As much as I tried to prepare myself for our meeting, I wasn’t prepared nor would I ever be. After losing your twin early in the pregnancy, I prayed and hoped that your diagnosis of Trisomy 13 wasn’t true and wouldn’t be the fate of my long awaited beautiful Son-shine☀️,” Sondra said. “My firstborn and only son, I’ve always wanted you, but God wanted and needed you more. Knowing you are in Heaven with your Great-Aunt Vivian and that you will Always be our Guardian Angel 👼🏽 brings me great comfort in the midst of all this sorrow.”
While she is now resting home, Sondra said it “has been quite an adjustment” without her baby.
“Knowing I will never be able to watch you grow older alongside your sisters has my eyes filled with tears😭,” she wrote.
Despite the heartbreaking loss, Sondra is still grateful for the time she had with her baby.
“👼🏽Thank God for allowing us to bond for 35 weeks and for me to birth you so I could hold you in my arms. I’m at peace knowing you will never have to suffer,” she said. “Although I will never hear your soft coos and cries or see those beautiful little eyes staring up at me, I am grateful to God for the time I shared with you. 💗💙Madison loved listening to your heartbeat and watching your waves of movement in my tummy. Trenton O’Brien Williams Jr., my sweet baby boy, we love you our Forever Angel!💙👼🏽.”